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Sabtu, 30 November 2013

The Council of Licensed Firearms

The New Zealand Mountain Safety Council is a federation of organisations with an interest in outdoor safety, including a number of sporting groups, DOC, the New Zealand Police and Defence Force, OSH and ACC.[10] It is responsible for safety education,[11] and volunteers run the safety courses taken by firearms licence applicants.[12] It also runs more specialised courses on hunting safely, first aid, and other outdoor recreational safety issues.
Pro-Gun groups

The Council of Licensed Firearms Owners (COLFO) was set up in 1996.

The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand is a part-time lobby group that is usually only active at elections and when there are government calls for gun control laws. It is smaller than COLFO. Opinions vary on how "radical" vs. how "soft" these two organisations are.[citation needed]

The National Shooters Association is a nationwide civilian gun owners association that took the forefront in a 2009 legal challenge against unauthorised police interference with gun regulations. Its executive is largely made up of former members the Practical Shooting Institute, a predecessor group which had similar success bringing court action against Police interference in 1990.
Anti-Gun groups

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